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Join the Snealth Community to participate in Sessions organized by Therapists and Moderators. This is also a safe space where you can meet people and share your feelings, feel heard and find people who care about you


Be in a safe space

Snealth’s Community is designed to be a safe space for everyone. To feel vulnerable. To address your emotions. To support and to be supported in your mental health journeys

Learn new ways to perceive and interact with the environment, acquire new skills, experience the reawakening of hope, and build your resilience in our safe social spaces


End the Stigma

Our Snealth’s Community is working to spread awareness regarding Mental Health & Mental Health Issues

Even in 2023, there is a stigma associated with the concept of Mental Health & getting help for any kind of mental health issues. Our Community is working hard to stop this stigma and build an inclusive and accepting environment so that people can feel safe in it


Team Mental Health

Boost your team’s mental health to achieve amazing work-life balance, productivity and freshness

There’s deliberate effort that goes in making good teams excellent. You can have a highly-functioning team only when it’s members are in the zone and they feel emotionally well. Schedule a session with us to create motivated teams


Accountability Partners

Having to report to someone gives us more incentive to achieve our goals. Try this method & get 94% closer to your goals!

Its a great idea to keep track of how you are working on your mental health. Visit our Accountability Partners page to find out more about this

Our Online Communities

We’ve recently turned to Facebook & WhatsApp to stay connected with our Snealth Communities

Click on the links below to join our Groups, and stay tuned for updates & weekly check-ins 💜

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You Matter!
snealth care
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