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Vent Platform

Use Snealth's Vent Platform
to just say it all out

Be a Venter

Talk it all out

Check Guidelines

Check Vent Platform guidelines to make sure you are respectful

Talk to a Professional

You can talk to a professional listener if you think you should

Be a Listener

Help someone out

Take a tutorial

Know how to be a good listener by taking our tutorial on Active Listening

It's FREE!

Snealth's Vent Platform is a free service for all

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By clicking the above two options, you agree to our Disclaimer & Guidelines

Disclaimer & Guidelines

Caution : Venting to a stranger can be dangerous if you are at a very mentally sensitive state (In such a case, we suggest you to talk to one of our Professional Listeners). 



You must be 18 years of Age, or Older to use the Vent Platform. The people you will talk to are ones with no professional training behind their advice. (If you are less than 18 years of Age, then consult our trained Listener Squad)
By entering the vent platform, you understand that snealth is not liable for any advice given or conversations conducted during a session



1. Trigger Warnings

Trigger warnings help users avoid the content they prefer not to see and help contribute to users’ safety, so users should label “TW” on content which might trigger users and can be harmful.

Some other labels :

2. Abide by the Law

Content posted on snealth must not:

  • Incite illegal behavior or violence
  • Support or encourage terrorism or hate groups
  • Share material that sexually exploits anyone
  • Constitute fraudulent activity, including obtaining or attempting to obtain financial advantage or private information by Deception

3. Avoid being Judgemental

Emergency Situations

In case you either as a listener or a venter notice that there is a situation that needs to be dealt with immediately, or that it requires immediate professional attention, call us

How can you use the Vent Platform

Here’s some quick pointers to know how use can use Snealth’s platform to Vent it all out

Address people with dignity & respect, and be open to learn from them. Respect people’s names and preferred pronouns.

Only share your own experiences in the platform. Talk about how things make you feel, and do not defame any person or institution

Do not make generalizing statements or assumptions about others; instead share from your experience or perspective. Refrain from giving advice unless asked to do so.

Be aware of the time & space you take up. Invite like-minded people to experience the platform. It’s only when we all are connected that we can help the community with improving everyone’s Mental Health

What you need to know

Sharing personal information makes you vulnerable to a lot of cyber attacks, so please be very careful as to not share contact information with anyone on the Vent Platform

Snealth’s Vent Platform should not be used as a dating app. We do allow some user-created Communities that discuss dating. These groups are strictly 18+ spaces.

None of the posts should include name-dropping. It may result an immediate ban or a stern warning from Snealth if you do.

Please use the report feature to report those who breach our guidelines. In case of a situation involving any illegal activity or problems

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snealth care
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